The Eden Alternative
Domains Of Wellbeing
The Eden Alternative Domains of Wellbeing taken together serve as a simple framework to identify the unmet needs of our residents. As stated by Dr. Bill Thomas in What Are Old People For “Well-being is a much larger idea than either quality of life or customer satisfaction. It is based on a holistic understanding of human needs and capacities. Well-being is elusive, highly subjective, and the most valuable of all human possessions.”
At Sunset Harbor Homes, our focus is to create a caring and intuitive environment where residents will thrive and live the best life possible. Click the link below to connect to the Eden Alternative website's full report on how this system and culture of care is carried out.

The Eden Alternative Domains of Well-Being
IDENTITY – being well-known; having personhood; individuality; wholeness; having a history
GROWTH – development; enrichment; unfolding; expanding; evolving
AUTONOMY – liberty; self-governance; self-determination; immunity from the arbitrary exercise of authority;
choice; freedom
SECURITY – freedom from doubt, anxiety, or fear; safe, certain, assured; having privacy, dignity, and respect.
CONNECTEDNESS – state of being connected; alive; belonging; engaged; involved; not detached; connected to the past, present and future; connected to personal possessions; connected to place; connected to nature.
MEANING – significance; heart; hope; import; value; purpose; reflection; sacred
JOY – happiness; pleasure; delight; contentment; enjoyment.